Friday 3 February 2017

Come Over, Look at My Renoir

I'm home. I watched Terms of Endearment on the plane. It's put me in the mood to walk around in a silk peignoir set....maybe something with a Japanese motif. Shirley Maclaine played the pretty, feminine, tough, no nonsense, neurotic mamma with a nice dose of older woman sexy in that movie. Set against Jack Nichols' "old man falling apart and clinging to astronaut glory days" character, Shirley was everything you hope and fear growing into as an older lady. Totally heartbreaking and sad in the end but I love that movie and always discover something new I love about it. This time around, I love Shirley's peignoir in the bedroom scene. She is sitting in her bedroom with the phone cord wrapped around her fingers building up the courage to tell Jack's playboy character to come over for some sugar...she hadn't had any sugar in over 15 years so she was overdue...but she wanted it to be on her's funny. Here goes:
              "The astronaut is impossible. An arrogant, self-centred, and, yes, somewhat entertaining man who has realised his ambition, and is at last a spoiled child.

              - A match made in heaven.

 - Yeah, you'd think so, wouldn't you? I don't think he wants to have anything more to do with me.

              - Oh, why? 

- I don't wanna go into it.

              - Cos you wouldn't go to bed? - On a first date, Emma?

              It's hardly a first date. You've lived next door for    years.

              - Why not say the real reason? - What do you mean?

              It's been that long since you've done it.

              Shut up! I mean it! Shut up!

              Oh, it's just me.

              - No. - Call him!

              - No! I'm hanging up. - OK, I'm sorry.

              - I'm hanging up. - Call him now! So long.

              - Hello? - Hello, Garrett.


              Well, I was just sitting here realising...

              realising that I had never shown you my Renoir.

              What are you talking about?

              I'm inviting you to come over and look at my Renoir.

              - You're inviting me to bed. - It happens to be in my bedroom.

              Is the Renoir under the covers?

              Don't cackle, Garrett.

              Do you want to see it?

              Do I want to come to your bedroom?

              - Let me think. - Do you?

              Just give me a minute. It's a tough one.

              I guess... I don't know.

              Yeah, OK. I guess so, sure, why not?

              I'll see you in a bit.

              If I don't answer the bell, the back door's open.

              The back door's open."

Find yours at Meng, Victoria Secret or Anthropologie

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