Tuesday 27 September 2016

Moving to Vilnius

 I have to tell you something: when I was 16, I wanted to live inside a Sydney Sheldon novel. I wanted to travel to Europe (never the Far East) and I wanted to live in Paris and drive a fabulous convertible with my head covered with a scarf and smoke slim cigarettes while wearing a fabulous coat at a sidewalk café. Back then, I used to try to figure out the logistics of stowing away on the freight ships that come to Jamaica. How else was it all going to come true? Today, while shopping for a car in Germany, in a tiny little town called Arzfeld, I looked around and squeezed my eyes shut really tightly and then opened them and wondered: how did I get here? From my little corner of Kingston to Arzfeld shopping for a car? And how did I get to a thousand other places when I hadn't the foggiest idea of ever converting from skinnygirl-living-on-dreams-and-Sydney-Sheldon-novels to .... it's been scary sometimes. But I march on.

So...I am moving. Away from Brussels, Belgium and onto Vilnius, Lithuania. We can't stay in Brussels now that my midget (my little 3 y.o. daughter) has to go to school. There are no school spaces in Brussels...not for anyone of unimportance...not even if you pay up to 55% of your income in taxes and social security. The low-life politicians in this country have made it so that children who live in Brussels get a second-rate education and you have to sell southern body parts (and am not talking kidneys) to afford a good education for your child unless you are networked with the Blonde Bleue Belge (B.B.B; look it up, it's true and shocking!). So, yes, we are moving.

What will I miss about Brussels? Maybe my gym. I make no jest. I have lived here for close to 9 years now and I will not miss a thing. I will not miss the tram noise going "clang clang clang" by my bedroom window and I will not miss the dirty streets and I will not miss the Belgian socialist attitude where everything is "c'est pas possible.."! Intractable people!!! And I will not miss those bloody idealist Eurocrats who inflate the cost of living in this city. But I will miss my high-tech and fabulously-equipped gym despite the fact that it is confusing for me when a person with both breasts and a giant penis uses the women's dressing room alongside the other women. I will miss my girls--my girlfriends prop me up and are my chief support system and the sisters I'd pick if I could have picked my sisters. I will miss La Cueva de Castilla (my little neighbourhood Spanish resto). And I will miss the Arabs on my roundabout who call me Ms Bob Marley and sell me fresh fish, vegetables and mostly fresh meat. I will miss the spices sold in the Turkish and Moroccan supermarkets.  I will miss the healthcare. And finally, I may just miss my little house. Uhmm..and I will miss shopping at Rue de Brabant...so much like downtown Kingston. And I will miss the flea market. And I will miss the Leonidas chocolates and I will...oh dammit! I was intent on not missing a bloody thing! I may miss the smelly, noisy, lazy, terrorist-infested, socio-communist , heap after all...

To date I have lived in Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and the UK (for a good few months each), the Bahamas (for a year), US (New York and Washington DC), Dubai (for a little less than a month), Belgium, Switzerland (for a year) and now on to Lithuania...phewwww!!! Am tired. The late and great Sydney Sheldon could have gathered some writing material from my travels....like the time a dashing Italian took me on a midnight ride on his Ducati along the Seine or the time a taxi driver tried to kidnap me in Dubai or the time a Nigerian followed me home on the London underground or the time the Colombian Ambassador to Barbados proposed or the time I hosted a dinner party for the other Colombian Ambassador to Barbados and almost killed him and his guests with fish bones or the time I hid from immigration and the police in Trinidad...

Back to the packing. I leave on Thursday.

Monday 26 September 2016

The Eyes Want It: Art From Zimbabwe

I was in Harare last week and I visited Zimbabwe's National Gallery. I want everything I see there. I managed to take just a few pictures because once I began clicking away a gallery caretaker came and told me "no pictures please". But still, here you go: see a little of what my eyes want.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Zara Brings the Warmth

It's starting to feel chill here in Brussels. And I am trying not to exercise the silliest impulse: one must not buy this pimpish yet fun-looking coat. Must one? 

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Swishy and Flirty in the Fall

I am still stuck on what to wear in the Fall. I've moved on from coats because I found and bought this scrumptiously warm coat from Cole Haan and now I am fully onto how to maintain the flirty and ladylike while trampling through the shift in weather.

Friday 9 September 2016

Falling Into Fashion

I returned to Belize this past Sunday. It's been a long week of work. I could not get any blogging done, obviously. And now I am feeling acheyish and my eyes hurt. But before you listen to me tell you I have Zika or some such thing you should know I am a hypochondriac. I generally think a cold means I am at death's door. So...

I missed blogging for you. This summer has been especially busy, doing lots of work (law) and lots of traveling to facilitate work.

 I am not even prepared for the coming fall. Where to begin? Always with the fashion. I need a good coat and I am on the look out for one that has a hood so I can wear it in grim, rainy Eastern Europe. The summer is almost over...am sad.

I leave Belize today and head to New York and then my family and I spend a nice few days together and I head home to Brussels...a city which will not be home for much longer....

Friday 2 September 2016

Summer Beach Hit: Spring Lake

Spring Lake, New Jersey is an adorable, story book, lake and beachside town with manicured surroundings and a Hamptons aesthetic. If you are looking for a nice fall weekend away, this place has got to be it. It was lovely.